Andrew Goatly


Professor Andrew Goatly is an honorary professor in the English Department of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, where he taught for 15 years prior to his recent retirement to Canterbury in the UK. He previously taught in colleges and universities in the UK, Rwanda, Thailand, Singapore, and Austria. He has an international reputation for scholarship and teaching ranging over a wide area of English language and overlapping with English literature: Critical Discourse, Metaphor, Stylistics, Semantics and Pragmatics (of Humour). His main interests are in (Ecological) Critical Discourse Analysis, Metaphor, Stylistics, and Linguistic Humour, which are reflected in his main book publications: The Language of Metaphors (2nd edition) (Routledge, 2011), Critical Reading and Writing in the Digital Age (2nd edition) (Routledge, 2016), Washing the Brain: Metaphor and Hidden Ideology (Benjamins, 2007), Explorations in Stylistics (Equinox, 2008), and Meaning and Humour (Cambridge University Press, 2012). He is also the publisher of an online database of lexicalised metaphors in English, with Chinese translations METALUDE (Metaphor at Lingnan University Department of English).

Selected Publications

Meaning and Humour, Cambridge University Press, May 2012, 361 Pages, Refereed.

The Language of Metaphors 2nd revised edition, Routledge, Jan 2010, Accepted, Refereed.

“Metaphor as a Resource for Evaluation and Expression of Emotion” INT-EVAL Workshop, Madrid, November 2011.

“Locating Stylistics in the Discipline of English Studies” Invited speaker at English Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 2012.

“Metaphor and Ideology” Invited speaker at English Department Nanjing University, November 2011.

“The Human-Nature Relationship and the Problems with English Grammar” Invited speaker at English Department Nanjing University, November 2011.

“A  Framework for Understanding Metaphor and some Problems in Translating it” Invited Plenary speaker at National University of Indonesia, Jakarta, October 2011.

Explorations in stylistics. London: Equinox. 2008.

Washing the brain: Metaphor and hidden ideology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co. 2007.

Critical Reading and Writing, Routledge, 2000.

Course EZS 318 Unit 22 Metaphor. The Open University, Singapore, 1997.

Course EZS 318 Unit 27 Texts as Carriers of Values. The Open University, Singapore. 1997.

The language of metaphors. London ; New York: Routledge. 1997.

Buddhist Lexicogrammar of Golding's Pincher Martin, Department of English, National University of Singapore, 1996.